
Strategic Plan

Mission: To promote excellence and equity in health for all people in Wisconsin through the advancement of the art and science of Family Medicine.

Vision: Competent, compassionate, thriving Family Physicians advancing the health of our communities.

2025-2027 Strategic Plan One-Pager

Approved by the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians Board on 1/25/2025

Primary Care Investment – Influence Where Money Flows

  • Goal 1: Develop strategies and implementation tactics to define Primary Care Investment
    • Objective 1: Form a workgroup to complete this work
  • Goal 2: Communicate importance of Primary Care Investment to members 
    • Objective 1: Inform family medicine residents of the importance of Primary Care Investment and how to get involved in advocating for increased Primary Care Investment
  • Goal 3: Communicate importance of Primary Care Investment to public 
    • Objective 1: Develop patient-facing resources 
    • Objective 2: Develop information and messaging to share with legislators 

Grow & Maintain a Family Medicine Workforce

  • Goal 1: Frame work-life balance for all generations of family physicians with focuses on decreasing administrative burden for family physicians and developing a sense of community among members 
    • Objective 1: Work to decrease administrative burden for family physicians 
    • Objective 2: Work to develop a sense of community among members 
  • Goal 2: Increase medical student awareness and interest in WAFP 
  • Goal 3: Define and provide resources and education on what family medicine practice can look like and why Wisconsin is a great place for family physicians to practice 
    • Objective 1: Give presentations at FMIG meetings at each medical school 
    • Objective 2: Include information in residency program visits 
    • Objective 3: Explore opportunities to broaden IMG recruitment 
  • Goal 4: Provide information and support to members considering or practicing Direct Primary Care and other innovative practice models 

Support and Promote Family Physician Scope of Practice

  • Goal 1: Pursue legislation to define postgraduate training and transition to practice for Nurse Practitioners 
    • Objective 1: Draft legislation to present to targeted legislators 
  • Goal 2: Support full scope family medicine 
    • Objective 1: Identify legislation and regulation that may threaten or protect the breadth of family physician scope of practice 
    • Objective 2: Protect full scope family medicine training for resident physicians 
  • Goal 3: Pursue title protection for FP’s and truth in advertising about health care clinician training 
    • Objective 1: Pursue legislation to provide title protection for FP’s and truth in advertising about health care clinician training 

Goals are broad and long-term to be pursued over the course of the 3-year plan. Objectives are specific and measurable for this year (2025)

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