The WAFP has a number of committees that cover an array of subjects and specialties, as described below. Please contact us if you are interested in serving on a committee, or have any questions regarding committees.
Awards Workgroup
Evaluates and manages the WAFP member awards program including nomination recruitment, recipient selection, and giving out the awards. The WAFP currently recognizes the following member awards: Family Physician of the Year, Family Medicine Educator of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement Award. Awards are given at the discretion of the committee and based on the quality of applicants received.
Most workgroup work happens via email and electronic evaluation tool and the workgroup meets 1-2 times per year as needed.
Health Equity & Anti-Racism Workgroup
The Health Equity & Anti-Racism Workgroup will
Meets 4-6 times annually.
Leadership Development Workgroup
Recommends strategies for developing a long-term leadership development plan, evaluating its feasibility and proposing scope, participation, timeline and funding recommendations.
Meets on an as needed basis.
Legislative Committee
Reviews and recommends policy on all national, state and local legislation affecting the practice of medicine, scope of practice, access and medical liability. Coordinates effort of contract lobbyist and member involvement in the legislative process.
Meets the third Tuesday of every month.
Physician Wellbeing Workgroup
The Physician Wellbeing Workgroup is charged with identifying opportunities and strategies for communicating and promoting wellness information and opportunities to WAFP members.
Meets quarterly or more frequently as needed.
Student & Resident Leadership Committee
The Student & Resident Leadership Committee will
Meets in even numbered months via zoom.